It was £116,500 which qualifies it as the most expensive thing we have ever bought by about £111k!!!

We are really excited and have got loads of plans for it. We've done plenty, but before we get on to that I thought I'd best do an initial post to show it as it was when we got it.
So here is the front garden. You can't really see, but most of it is gravel. I'd like to make it a bit more productive, but it's low on our list of priorities at the moment.
The dining room looked like this
although obviously no furniture. That belonged to the previous owners. In fact, here is the picture I took of the room on the day we got the keys
It's a lovely big mirror that we found left in the garage. We haven't decided where it's going yet, but we'll definitely be using it.
The upstairs bathroom was turquoise with dolphins and shells stencilled everywhere.
So that's a little snippet for now. We'll do before and after photos at each stage of the renovation so you can see what's changed.
As far as possible we will attempt to detail, what we did, how we did it, what we could have done better. Hopefully we will inspire you, but you can learn from our DIY disasters and avoid the same mistakes in your home!